Lawrence J. Warfield
P.O. Box 3350
Carefree AZ, 85377

**Please see Required Forms and Documents for required Tax release and acknowledgement.

Tax Returns and refunds

Current and Year Prior to Filing

~~If you received and cashed your income tax refund checks within 60 days of filing, you MUST provide receipts, and proof of the extraordinary items that were purchased. If your income tax refund was direct deposited, you MUST provide the Trustee with a copy of the bank statements indicating the amount received. Please note that the bankruptcy estate is entitled to a pro-rated portion of the tax refund for the year in which the bankruptcy was filed. Do not cash any tax refunds without contacting the Trustee.

~~Please prepare and file the returns in a timely fashion. DO NOT DO “RAPID REFUND”! When your returns have been prepared, please make me a complete copy of the returns. File the original returns as you would normally do and immediately send me a complete copy. Refunds need to be sent to me. You do not endorse the checks. Mail the checks to my office at: P.O. BOX 3350 Carefree, AZ 85377 as received from the tax agencies. If you receive any correspondence from the IRS or state-taxing agency, a copy must also be forwarded to my office. If you do not follow these instructions, I will have no choice but to seek an Order from the Court requiring turnover AND a revocation of your discharge. If discharge has been entered. If you file an extension on the filing of your returns, please send me a copy of the extension and your case will continue to remain open. You are also reminded that any refunds received post petition for the previous tax year are property of the estate and must be surrendered also. If you have any questions about this, please contact us via email at or call April Jordan at 480-948-1711.

Lawrence J. Warfield

Bankruptcy Trustee

P.O. BOX 3350

Carefree, AZ 85377